Category: CLA Tutorials with Tomas Glavina


Restoring Helios 44 – CLA tutorial by Tomas Glavina

Please, don't use comments bellows this article for the questions, because in time, that can make page too slow for loading. A short legend of the terms and abbreviations used in the tutorial: CW – clock wise, CCW - counter clock wise, MDF – minimum focusing distance, Outer or external ring - the ring that…


Legacy lenses restoration – CLA tutorials by Tomas Glavina

Verybiglobo is proud to welcome Tomas Glavina on board. Tomas agreed to work with us in creating series of CLA tutorials for old legacy lenses. Step by step, he will guide you how to open, clean, lubricate and re-assemble lenses as well as how to polish silver aluminum housing, in order to restore full shine…

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