Author: viktor pavlovic


Carl Zeiss Sonnar 135mm f/2.8 T* (C/Y)

Dear readers,I am working on comparison of several 135mm lenses, using Sony NEX 7 and different adapters. To prepare those posts takes time, and I am struggling to find some, so please be patient (if you are interested) about written part and my opinion.  There should be at the end over 12 135mm lenses.Thank you…


Sony SAL 135mm f/1.8 Zeiss Sonnar T* ZA

Dear readers,I am working on comparison of several 135mm lenses, using Sony NEX 7 and different adapters. To prepare those posts takes time, and I am struggling to find some, so please be patient (if you are interested) about written part and my opinion.  There should be at the end over 12 135mm lenses.Thank you…


Sony SAL 135 f/2.8 (T4.5) STF

Sony SAL 135mm f/2.8 (T4.5) STF This is one of the lenses that Sony inherited from Minolta, re-branded and kept selling. I am not sure how long will Sony keep this lens in production, because I doubt they have a big sales, and the profitability might be questionable too. Is it a bad lens? No.…


Super fast 50-58mm shot out wide open

Here is another brief lens comparison. This time I tried eight f/1.2 lenses around 50mm focal length, wide open in the field. In this comparison you can consider sharpness as well as the bokeh.Results in terms of resolution and contrast are kind of surprising. One of the cheapest 50mm in this test (if not the…


Sony NEX and Nikon D800 E on Iceland

... 2 months ago, I visited Iceland.I experienced Iceland for the second time, but first time I was there, it was only few days and I didn't have camera.This time, I went just for shooting. You might try to combine both - exploring and shooting, in any case though, you should consider to plan your…


50mm f/1.4 legacy lenses – Shootout Wide Open

I can read almost every week a new thread about 50mm legacy lenses in many photography forums.Sometimes it is funny to follow fan-boys and girls fighting for their Minolta, Oly or Pentax, being the best lens ever produced. Most time, it is just annoying.All kind of forum members, present all kind of different informations, so…


Four Macro 50mm lenses – brief shot out

I just made a brief shot out between four 50mm lenses mounted on NEX 7. On the first sight, they seems like rather different breeds, but as I thought, field relevant differences, for the mainstream macro use - flower in the garden :-) is very small.4 lenses are:1. Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/2 Macro ZE…


Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon MC 35mm f/2.4

Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon MC 35mm f/2.4 Crop Zones 100% Crops - Center Zone A - 100% Crops Zone B - 100% Crops Zone C - 100% Crops Upcoming comparisons - real life shot, medium distance (close to infinity) (files are huge and I am running out from free bandwidth... If you can help, let…


Carl Zeiss Jena Tevidon 35mm f/1.9

Carl Zeiss Jena Tevidon 35mm f1.9Crop Zones: Center - 100% Crops Zone A - 100% Crops Zone B - 100% Crops Zone C - 100% Crops Upcoming comparisons - real life shot, medium distance (close to infinity) (files are huge and I am running out from free bandwidth... If you can help, let me know...)…


Auto-Topcor RE 35mm f/2.8

RE Auto-Topcor 35mm f/2.8 Crop Zones Center - 100% Crops Zone A - 100% Crops Zone B - 100% Crops Zone C - 100% Crops To help this page survive, your donation will be highly appreciated. 

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